1. Create necessary indexes as suggested by Database Tuning Adsvisor.
2. You can also look at the dynamic views like sys.dm_db_missing_index_details
3. If you have proper indexes, go for the query execution plan to find out heavy operations. Look for Table Scans and index scans.
4. Normally, these are, unnecessary use of user defined functions in SELECT, unnecessary use of user defined functions in WHERE, unnecessary joins, and joining on NON indexed columns (should be joined with PK-FK relationship)
5. If using derived tables in the query, check for the query which is slowing down the whole query.
6. Avoid unnecessary DISTINCT and Order BY
7. Apply your WHERE clause with some mandatory conditions. For example, From date, To date, location, etc to slice down the records and output
8. Create covering Index if required.
9. Learn how to read execution plan if you dont know.
10. Get youself familiar with the performance moniotor and its SQL Server, Disk I/O, etc related counters
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Insert File in SQL Server table
INSERT INTO dbo.Files (FileName, [File])
SELECT 'MyDoc.doc' AS FileName, *
A simple XML parsing example
( 1, '<books
category="novel"><book>Gone with the
wind</book><book>The lord of the rings</book></books>'
category="novel"><book>Gone with the
wind</book><book>The lord of the rings</book></books>'
( 2, '<books
mathematics</book></books>' )
mathematics</book></books>' )
SELECT t.Id, x.y.value('.', 'VARCHAR(100)') book
FROM @t t
CROSS APPLY t.booksXML.nodes('books/book') x(y)
Find data difference between two schema identical tables
Declare @vSQL varchar(max)
Print @vSQL
Declare @vCols varchar(max)
Create Table vTable1 (id int, StudentID int, Dept varchar(10),BookID int)
Create Table vTable2 (id int, StudentID int, Dept varchar(10),BookID int)
Insert into vTable1
Select 1,123,'CS',465 Union All
Select 2,123,'CS',345 Union All
Select 3,223,'TE',190
Insert into vTable2
Select 1,123,'CS',465 Union All
Select 2,223,'TE',345 Union All
Select 3,223,'TE',190
-- Get the column names from schema with case statements to get 0 or 1 as
-- Now, this will depend upon the columns of your actual tables
Select @vCols = Stuff((Select ',case when a.' +
[name] + ' = b.'
+ [name] + ' then 1 else 0 end as ' +
[name] from sys.columns
where Object_id
= Object_id('vTable1') for XML Path('')),1,1,'')
[name] + ' = b.'
+ [name] + ' then 1 else 0 end as ' +
[name] from sys.columns
where Object_id
= Object_id('vTable1') for XML Path('')),1,1,'')
print @vCols
-- Concatenate the @vCols with main sql
Set @vSQL = ' Select a.id,' + @vCols + ' From vTable1 a
Inner Join vTable2 b on b.ID = a.ID '
Print @vSQL
Exec (@vSQL)
Drop table vTable1
Drop table vTable2
Check / evaluate Multiple LIKES without Dynamic SQL
SELECT 1,'Shamas Qamar' UNION ALL
SELECT 4,'Imran'
SET @vParam = 'Sha,hif'
dbo.fnSplit(@vParam,',')) b
dbo.fnSplit(@vParam,',')) b
WHERE NAME LIKE '%' + b.[VALUE] + '%'
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Query to get dependent objects
SELECT DISTINCT sd.object_id "object_id",
"Ref_OBJECT_NAME", referenced_major_id "Ref_OBJECT_Id"
"Ref_OBJECT_NAME", referenced_major_id "Ref_OBJECT_Id"
into #table1
FROM sys.sql_dependencies sd
where referenced_major_id in
select object_id
from sys.tables
where schema_name(schema_id) = 'dbo'
)order by Ref_OBJECT_Id
-- Now, get sps with all dependent tables.
SELECT distinct sd.object_id "object_id",
"Ref_OBJECT_NAME", referenced_major_id "Ref_OBJECT_Id"
"Ref_OBJECT_NAME", referenced_major_id "Ref_OBJECT_Id"
FROM sys.sql_dependencies sd
where OBJECT_NAME(sd.object_id)
select [object_name] from #table1
drop table #table1
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Data Difference of two identical Tables
This script was written to answer a question on
sqlservercentral.com. The original poster wanted to have a dynamic stored
procedure which can tell you the columns with different values in two tables.
-- not as you will match schema wise
-- identical tables.
if Exists(
Print @vSQL
sqlservercentral.com. The original poster wanted to have a dynamic stored
procedure which can tell you the columns with different values in two tables.
Here is the code;
ALTER Procedure uspTableDiff
@pTableName1 varchar(100), -- Name of First Table
@pTableName2 varchar(100), -- Name of 2nd Table
@pJoinCondition varchar(Max), -- Join Condition. I am assuming that
-- you will use alias a for table in
-- @pTableName1 and b for
-- table in @pTableName2
@pIDColumns varchar(Max) -- Valid ID columns to diplay
Declare @vSQL varchar(max)
Declare @vCols varchar(max)
Set @vCols = ''
-- Check if the specified tables areidentical or
-- not as you will match schema wise
-- identical tables.
if Exists(
Select *
Select [name] from sys.columns
where Object_id = Object_id(@pTableName1)
) c1
Full Outer Join
Select [name]
from sys.columns
where Object_id = Object_id(@pTableName2)
) c2 on c2.[name] = c1.[name]
Where c2.[name] is Null or c1.[Name] is Null
Select 'Tables Not Identical'
Select @vCols =
Stuff((Select ',case when IsNull(a.' + [name] +
','''') = IsNull(b.' + [name] + ','''')
then 1 else 0 end
as [SIM_' + @pTableName1 + '.' + [name] + ']'
from sys.columns
where Object_id = Object_id(@pTableName1) for XML Path('')),1,1,'')
where Object_id = Object_id(@pTableName1) for XML Path('')),1,1,'')
-- Concatenate the @vCols with main sql
Set @vSQL = ' Select ' + @pIDColumns + ',' + @vCols
+ ' From '+ @pTableName1 + ' a Inner Join '
+ @pTableName2 +
' b on ' + @pJoinCondition
Print @vSQL
Exec (@vSQL)
end Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Trim Non-Alpha characters from string
Here is the code to trim non-alpha characters
from the string. This script uses tally table approach.
wcte as (
Return @vRetString
from the string. This script uses tally table approach.
-- Author: Atif Sheikh
-- Create date: 28-05-2010
-- Description: Trim Non Alpha Characters
--Select dbo.fnTrimNonAlphaCharacters('2131231Atif123123 234234Sheikh6546')
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[fnTrimNonAlphaCharacters]
@pString varchar(max)
RETURNS varchar(max)
Declare @vRetString varchar(max)
Set @vRetString = ''
wcte as (
Select Top(len(@pString)) *
from (Select row_number() over (order by a.object_id) N
from sys.columns a, sys.columns b
) Main
)SELECT @vRetString = @vRetString + SUBSTRING(@pString,N,1)
FROM wcte a
WHERE N <= LEN(@pString)
And (Ascii(SUBSTRING(@pString,N,1)) between 97 and 122
Or Ascii(SUBSTRING(@pString,N,1)) between 65 and 90
Or Ascii(SUBSTRING(@pString,N,1)) = 32)
Return @vRetString
Friday, June 18, 2010
Database Mirroring Automating Failover for Multiple SQL Server Databases With No Witness
If Someone is performing Mirroring in SQL Server 2005, he should look at the following articles...
Database Mirroring Automating Failover for Multiple SQL Server Databases
Database Mirroring Automating Failover for Multiple SQL Server Databases With No Witness
Database Mirroring Automating Failover for Multiple SQL Server Databases
Database Mirroring Automating Failover for Multiple SQL Server Databases With No Witness
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Parsing / breaking character separated values in a table in one query
Consider a table having following data,
Declare @vTable Table(id int,val varchar(100))
Declare @vTable Table(id int,val varchar(100))
Insert into @vTable Values (1,'Atif Sheikh2 Sheikh123')
Insert into @vTable Values (2,'Asif Sheikh1 Sheikh2 Sheikh3')
Now if you want to break
the space separated values in the abovetable as;
ID Val
1 Atif
1 Sheikh2
1 Sheikh123
2 Asif
2 Sheikh1
2 Sheikh2
2 Sheikh3
Here is the query;
;with wcte (id,val,newpos) as
1 Atif
1 Sheikh2
1 Sheikh123
2 Asif
2 Sheikh1
2 Sheikh2
2 Sheikh3
Here is the query;
;with wcte (id,val,newpos) as
Select id,substring(val,0,case when charindex(' ',val,0) = 0 then Len(val) else charindex(' ',val,0) + 1 end) as val,charindex(' ',val,0) + 1 newpos from
Select id,substring(val,0,case when charindex(' ',val,0) = 0 then Len(val) else charindex(' ',val,0) + 1 end) as val,charindex(' ',val,0) + 1 newpos from
Union all
Select b.id,substring(b.val,newpos,case when charindex(' ',b.val,newpos) = 0 then Len(b.val) else charindex(' ',b.val,newpos) -newpos end) as val
,charindex(' ',b.val,newpos) + 1 newpos
from @vTable b
Inner Join wcte on wcte.id = b.ID
and wcte.newpos <> 1
)Select ID,Val from wcte order by id
Let me explain the above mentioned query. As you can see that i have used a
recursive function CTE.
The first query in the CTE query is;
Select id,substring(val,0,case when charindex(' ',val,0) = 0 then Len(val) else charindex(' ',val,0) + 1 end) as val,charindex(' ',val,0) + 1 newpos from
This creates the main record for parsing the string. This
loads the first value in the required data set and to use in the second part.
Here I used the newpos column to get the position to
parse the next value in the character separated string. It is just the length
of the previous parsed value. The second part is;
Select b.id,substring(b.val,newpos,case when charindex(' ',b.val,newpos) = 0 then Len(b.val) else charindex(' ',b.val,newpos) -newpos end) as val
,charindex(' ',b.val,newpos) + 1 newpos
from @vTable b
Inner Join wcte on wcte.id = b.ID
and wcte.newpos > 1
This query uses the posintion in newpos column and parses the next value. And as is is recursive, it goes on until the newpos
> 1. newpos, as you can
see in the first part of the query, is the charindex of the character which is
used to separate the values in the string.
Thats it...
> 1. newpos, as you can
see in the first part of the query, is the charindex of the character which is
used to separate the values in the string.
Thats it...
Concatenating row values into one grouped column
Sometimes, small things create alot of problems. Like, a core issue discussed in here.
Consider we have a table as;
Declare @vTable Table(id int,val varchar(100))
Insert into @vTable Values (1,'Atif')
Insert into @vTable Values (1,'Sheikh')
Insert into @vTable Values (2,'Asif')
Insert into @vTable Values (2,'Sheikh')
Insert into @vTable Values (2,'Sheikh2')
Insert into @vTable Values (2,'Sheikh3')
Now we need to concatenate values as;
ID Vals
1 Atif Sheikh
2 Asif Sheikh Sheikh2 Sheikh3
There may be alot of ways to perform this but using XML Path here is a savior. The query is;
Select Distinct id,
Stuff((Select ' ' + [val] from @vTable t2 where id = Main.ID for XML Path('')),1,1,'') as Vals
from @vTable Main
Consider we have a table as;
Declare @vTable Table(id int,val varchar(100))
Insert into @vTable Values (1,'Atif')
Insert into @vTable Values (1,'Sheikh')
Insert into @vTable Values (2,'Asif')
Insert into @vTable Values (2,'Sheikh')
Insert into @vTable Values (2,'Sheikh2')
Insert into @vTable Values (2,'Sheikh3')
Now we need to concatenate values as;
ID Vals
1 Atif Sheikh
2 Asif Sheikh Sheikh2 Sheikh3
There may be alot of ways to perform this but using XML Path here is a savior. The query is;
Select Distinct id,
Stuff((Select ' ' + [val] from @vTable t2 where id = Main.ID for XML Path('')),1,1,'') as Vals
from @vTable Main
Monday, June 14, 2010
Friday, June 11, 2010
Basic Rules for coding in User Defined Functions
a)The developer writing the Function must provide his / her Full Name, Create
Date, and brief Description of the Function. This commented information should
be the first part of the Stored Procedure.
-- Author : Atif Sheikh
-- Create date : 25-Aug-08
-- Description : Brief Description
2.SET Options
a)The Following options should be set in Each Stored Procedure,
3.Naming Conventions
a)Function name should start with ‘fn. The next alphabet after ‘fn’ should be
CAPITAL and each recognizable word in the name of Stored Procedure should start
with CAPITAL letter. For example ‘fnMyFunction’
b)Parameters of Function should start with ‘@p’. For Example, @pFunctionVariable.
The next alphabet after ‘@p’ should be CAPITAL and each recognizable word in the
name of variable should start with CAPITAL letter.
c)Return variable of Function should start with ‘@pRet’. For Example,
@pRetVariable_OUT. The next alphabet after ‘@p’ should be CAPITAL and each
recognizable word in the name of variable should start with CAPITAL letter.
d)Scope variables should start with ‘@’ sign, following with the initials of the
data type of the respective variable. The next alphabet after ‘@’ + initials of
the data type should be CAPITAL and each recognizable word in the name of
variable should start with CAPITAL letter. For example, @intIntegerVariable,
@varcVarcharVariable, @varbVarbinaryVariable, etc.
4.Data Types
a)The data Types used in the Function should be the SQL Server Native data Types.
If any User Defined data type is used in the Function, the comment must be added
in the code.
b)The length and precision should be provided in accordance with the usage of the
5.Code Indenting
a)The Code of the Function should be properly Indented and readable. The spacing
can be controlled by using TAB key (equal to 4 spaces).
b)Each Block of code should begin with BEGIN keyword and end with END keyword.
6.SELECT Statements
a)SELECT Statements should contain the column names.
7.Table Or Scalar
a)Select right type of function depending upon the return values. If it is a
single value, go for Scalar. If it is a table, then go for table valued function.
a)Always use function in the outer most query if your query is nested.. In this
way you will be applying
function on the final result set. Using it in the inner queries will definitely
effect performance badly. For Example;
-- Wrong approach
-- This query is applying function on all records in employee.
Select * from
Select EmployeeID,Name,
fnGetMinimumSalary(tblDesignation.SalaryID) as MinimumSalary
from tblEmployee
Left Outer Join tblDesignation on tblDesignation.ID = tblEmployee.DesignationID
) Main
Inner Join tblEmployeeDetail on tblEmployeeDetail.EmployeeID = Main.EmployeeID
Where tblEmployeeDetail.CountryCode = 'PK'
-- Right approach
-- This query is applying Function only on the Employee with Country Code 'PK'
Select *,fnGetMinimumSalary(tblDesignation.SalaryID) as MinimumSalary
Select EmployeeID,Name,
from tblEmployee
Left Outer Join tblDesignation on tblDesignation.ID = tblEmployee.DesignationID
) Main
Inner Join tblEmployeeDetail on tblEmployeeDetail.EmployeeID = Main.EmployeeID
Where tblEmployeeDetail.CountryCode = 'PK'
a)The developer writing the Function must provide his / her Full Name, Create
Date, and brief Description of the Function. This commented information should
be the first part of the Stored Procedure.
-- Author : Atif Sheikh
-- Create date : 25-Aug-08
-- Description : Brief Description
2.SET Options
a)The Following options should be set in Each Stored Procedure,
3.Naming Conventions
a)Function name should start with ‘fn. The next alphabet after ‘fn’ should be
CAPITAL and each recognizable word in the name of Stored Procedure should start
with CAPITAL letter. For example ‘fnMyFunction’
b)Parameters of Function should start with ‘@p’. For Example, @pFunctionVariable.
The next alphabet after ‘@p’ should be CAPITAL and each recognizable word in the
name of variable should start with CAPITAL letter.
c)Return variable of Function should start with ‘@pRet’. For Example,
@pRetVariable_OUT. The next alphabet after ‘@p’ should be CAPITAL and each
recognizable word in the name of variable should start with CAPITAL letter.
d)Scope variables should start with ‘@’ sign, following with the initials of the
data type of the respective variable. The next alphabet after ‘@’ + initials of
the data type should be CAPITAL and each recognizable word in the name of
variable should start with CAPITAL letter. For example, @intIntegerVariable,
@varcVarcharVariable, @varbVarbinaryVariable, etc.
4.Data Types
a)The data Types used in the Function should be the SQL Server Native data Types.
If any User Defined data type is used in the Function, the comment must be added
in the code.
b)The length and precision should be provided in accordance with the usage of the
5.Code Indenting
a)The Code of the Function should be properly Indented and readable. The spacing
can be controlled by using TAB key (equal to 4 spaces).
b)Each Block of code should begin with BEGIN keyword and end with END keyword.
6.SELECT Statements
a)SELECT Statements should contain the column names.
7.Table Or Scalar
a)Select right type of function depending upon the return values. If it is a
single value, go for Scalar. If it is a table, then go for table valued function.
a)Always use function in the outer most query if your query is nested.. In this
way you will be applying
function on the final result set. Using it in the inner queries will definitely
effect performance badly. For Example;
-- Wrong approach
-- This query is applying function on all records in employee.
Select * from
Select EmployeeID,Name,
fnGetMinimumSalary(tblDesignation.SalaryID) as MinimumSalary
from tblEmployee
Left Outer Join tblDesignation on tblDesignation.ID = tblEmployee.DesignationID
) Main
Inner Join tblEmployeeDetail on tblEmployeeDetail.EmployeeID = Main.EmployeeID
Where tblEmployeeDetail.CountryCode = 'PK'
-- Right approach
-- This query is applying Function only on the Employee with Country Code 'PK'
Select *,fnGetMinimumSalary(tblDesignation.SalaryID) as MinimumSalary
Select EmployeeID,Name,
from tblEmployee
Left Outer Join tblDesignation on tblDesignation.ID = tblEmployee.DesignationID
) Main
Inner Join tblEmployeeDetail on tblEmployeeDetail.EmployeeID = Main.EmployeeID
Where tblEmployeeDetail.CountryCode = 'PK'
Basic rules for coding in Stored Procedures in SQL Server
Following are few impoortant tips for coding Stored Procedure in SQL Server;
a)The developer writing the Stored Procedure must provide his / her Full Name,
Create Date, and brief Description of the Stored Procedure. This commented
information should be the first part of the Stored Procedure.
-- Author: Atif Sheikh
-- Create date : 25-Aug-08
-- Description : Brief Description
2.SET Options
a)The Following options should be set in Each Stored Procedure,
3.Naming Conventions
a)Stored Procedure name should start with ‘usp’. The next alphabet after ‘usp’
should be CAPITAL and each recognizable word in the name of Stored Procedure
should start with CAPITAL letter. For example ‘uspInsertProcedure’
b)INPUT parameters of Stored Procedure should start with ‘@p’ and end with ‘_IN’.
For Example, @pInputVariable_IN. The next alphabet after ‘@p’ should be CAPITAL
and each recognizable word in the name of variable should start with CAPITAL
c)OUTPUT parameters of Stored Procedure should start with ‘@p’ and end
with ‘_OUT’. For Example, @pOutputVariable_OUT. The next alphabet after ‘@p’
should be CAPITAL and each recognizable word in the name of variable should
start with CAPITAL letter.
d)Scope variables should start with ‘@’ sign, following with the initials of the
data type of the respective variable. The next alphabet after ‘@’ + initials of
the data type should be CAPITAL and each recognizable word in the name of
variable should start with CAPITAL letter. For example, @intIntegerVariable,
@varcVarcharVariable, @varbVarbinaryVariable, etc.
4.Data Types
a)The data Types used in the Stored Procedure should be the SQL Server Native data
Types. If any User Defined data type is used in the Stored Procedure, the
comment must be added in the code.
b)The length and precision should be provided in accordance with the usage of the
a)In order to return the IDENTITY value from INSERT Stored Procedures,
SCOPE_IDENTITY should be used.
b)Proper OUTPUT parameter should be defined in the Stored Procedure to return the
value of IDENTITY.
6.Dynamic SQL
a)Dynamic SQL should be avoided as much as possible. But, if there is the need of
the code, execute the SQL string using ‘sp_Executesql’ with proper parameters.
b)In case of DDL Statements, EXECUTE can be used.
7.Code Indenting
a)The Code of the Stored Procedure should be properly Indented and readable. The
spacing can be controlled by using TAB key (equal to 4 spaces).
b)Each Block of code should begin with BEGIN keyword and end with END keyword.
a)The DML operations should be controlled by TRANSACTIONS. These Transactions
should be synchronized with the Front-End transactions to avoid any conflict.
b)Do not Set TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL without consulting the Database Department
a)TRY / CATCH Block should be the part of every Stored Procedure to control and
record errors.
a)Proper Error Number should be returned from the CATCH Block to the application.
11.Nested SP calls
a)Nested Stored Procedure calls should be avoided. In case of necessity, the
TRANSACTION should be applied to the master Stored Procedure, calling the rest
of the Sps.
12.INSERT Statements
a)INSERT Statements should contain the column names.
13.SELECT Statements
a)SELECT Statements should contain the column names.
a)The developer writing the Stored Procedure must provide his / her Full Name,
Create Date, and brief Description of the Stored Procedure. This commented
information should be the first part of the Stored Procedure.
-- Author: Atif Sheikh
-- Create date : 25-Aug-08
-- Description : Brief Description
2.SET Options
a)The Following options should be set in Each Stored Procedure,
3.Naming Conventions
a)Stored Procedure name should start with ‘usp’. The next alphabet after ‘usp’
should be CAPITAL and each recognizable word in the name of Stored Procedure
should start with CAPITAL letter. For example ‘uspInsertProcedure’
b)INPUT parameters of Stored Procedure should start with ‘@p’ and end with ‘_IN’.
For Example, @pInputVariable_IN. The next alphabet after ‘@p’ should be CAPITAL
and each recognizable word in the name of variable should start with CAPITAL
c)OUTPUT parameters of Stored Procedure should start with ‘@p’ and end
with ‘_OUT’. For Example, @pOutputVariable_OUT. The next alphabet after ‘@p’
should be CAPITAL and each recognizable word in the name of variable should
start with CAPITAL letter.
d)Scope variables should start with ‘@’ sign, following with the initials of the
data type of the respective variable. The next alphabet after ‘@’ + initials of
the data type should be CAPITAL and each recognizable word in the name of
variable should start with CAPITAL letter. For example, @intIntegerVariable,
@varcVarcharVariable, @varbVarbinaryVariable, etc.
4.Data Types
a)The data Types used in the Stored Procedure should be the SQL Server Native data
Types. If any User Defined data type is used in the Stored Procedure, the
comment must be added in the code.
b)The length and precision should be provided in accordance with the usage of the
a)In order to return the IDENTITY value from INSERT Stored Procedures,
SCOPE_IDENTITY should be used.
b)Proper OUTPUT parameter should be defined in the Stored Procedure to return the
value of IDENTITY.
6.Dynamic SQL
a)Dynamic SQL should be avoided as much as possible. But, if there is the need of
the code, execute the SQL string using ‘sp_Executesql’ with proper parameters.
b)In case of DDL Statements, EXECUTE can be used.
7.Code Indenting
a)The Code of the Stored Procedure should be properly Indented and readable. The
spacing can be controlled by using TAB key (equal to 4 spaces).
b)Each Block of code should begin with BEGIN keyword and end with END keyword.
a)The DML operations should be controlled by TRANSACTIONS. These Transactions
should be synchronized with the Front-End transactions to avoid any conflict.
b)Do not Set TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL without consulting the Database Department
a)TRY / CATCH Block should be the part of every Stored Procedure to control and
record errors.
a)Proper Error Number should be returned from the CATCH Block to the application.
11.Nested SP calls
a)Nested Stored Procedure calls should be avoided. In case of necessity, the
TRANSACTION should be applied to the master Stored Procedure, calling the rest
of the Sps.
12.INSERT Statements
a)INSERT Statements should contain the column names.
13.SELECT Statements
a)SELECT Statements should contain the column names.
Check Invalid XML Message in Service Broker Queue
As we know after five failed concurrent
transactions you will get what is known as Message Poisoning after which your queue
will get disabled . Sometimes, it is required to check the invalid messages in
a service broker queue.
transactions you will get what is known as Message Poisoning after which your queue
will get disabled . Sometimes, it is required to check the invalid messages in
a service broker queue.
Begin try
Declare @vBin varbinary(max)
Declare @pBQuery nvarchar(max)
Declare @MessageXML XML
Declare vCur Cursor for Select Message_Body from dbo.BLOB_AdtQueue_Remote1_IOW
Open vCurFetch Next from vCur into @vBin
while @@Fetch_status = 0
Select @pBQuery = convert(nvarchar(max),@vBin)
Select @MessageXML = cast(@pBQuery as XML)
Fetch Next from vCur into @vBin
End Try
Begin Catch
ERROR_NUMBER() AS ErrorNumber,
ERROR_SEVERITY() AS ErrorSeverity,
ERROR_STATE() AS ErrorState,
ERROR_LINE() AS ErrorLine,
ERROR_PROCEDURE() AS ErrorProcedure,
Select @vBin
End Catch
Deallocate vCur
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