sqlservercentral.com. The original poster wanted to have a dynamic stored
procedure which can tell you the columns with different values in two tables.
Here is the code;
ALTER Procedure uspTableDiff
@pTableName1 varchar(100), -- Name of First Table
@pTableName2 varchar(100), -- Name of 2nd Table
@pJoinCondition varchar(Max), -- Join Condition. I am assuming that
-- you will use alias a for table in
-- @pTableName1 and b for
-- table in @pTableName2
@pIDColumns varchar(Max) -- Valid ID columns to diplay
Declare @vSQL varchar(max)
Declare @vCols varchar(max)
Set @vCols = ''
-- Check if the specified tables areidentical or
-- not as you will match schema wise
-- identical tables.
if Exists(
Select *
Select [name] from sys.columns
where Object_id = Object_id(@pTableName1)
) c1
Full Outer Join
Select [name]
from sys.columns
where Object_id = Object_id(@pTableName2)
) c2 on c2.[name] = c1.[name]
Where c2.[name] is Null or c1.[Name] is Null
Select 'Tables Not Identical'
Select @vCols =
Stuff((Select ',case when IsNull(a.' + [name] +
','''') = IsNull(b.' + [name] + ','''')
then 1 else 0 end
as [SIM_' + @pTableName1 + '.' + [name] + ']'
from sys.columns
where Object_id = Object_id(@pTableName1) for XML Path('')),1,1,'')
where Object_id = Object_id(@pTableName1) for XML Path('')),1,1,'')
-- Concatenate the @vCols with main sql
Set @vSQL = ' Select ' + @pIDColumns + ',' + @vCols
+ ' From '+ @pTableName1 + ' a Inner Join '
+ @pTableName2 +
' b on ' + @pJoinCondition
Print @vSQL
Exec (@vSQL)
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