It depends if you can
take your current Report server off line or not. If you can take your reporting
server off line, you can use DETACH/ATTACH metod.
This approach preserves
permissions in the databases. If you are using a SQL Server 2008 database, you
must move it to another SQL Server 2008 instance. After you move the databases,
you must reconfigure the report server connection to the report server
database. If you are running a scale-out deployment, you must reconfigure the
report server database connection for each report server in the deployment.
Use the following steps
to move the databases:
Backup the encryption
keys for the report server database you want to move. You can use the Reporting
Services Configuration tool backup the keys.
Stop the Report Server
service. You can use the Reporting Services Configuration tool to stop the
Start SQL Server
Management Studio and open a connection to the SQL Server instance that hosts
the report server databases.
Right-click the report
server database, point to Tasks, and click Detach. Repeat this step for the
report server temporary database.
Copy or move the .mdf
and .ldf files to the Data folder of the SQL Server instance you want to use.
Because you are moving two databases, make sure that you move or copy all four
In Management Studio,
open a connection to the new SQL Server instance that will host the report
server databases.
Right-click the
Databases node, and then click Attach.
Click Add to select the
report server database .mdf and .ldf files that you want to attach. Repeat this
step for the report server temporary database.
After the databases are
attached, verify that the RSExecRole is a database role in the report server
database and temporary database. RSExecRole must have select, insert, update,
delete, and reference permissions on the report server database tables, and
execute permissions on the stored procedures. For more information, see How to:
Create the RSExecRole.
Start the Reporting
Services Configuration tool and open a connection to the report server.
On the Database page,
select the new SQL Server instance, and then click Connect.
Select the report server
database that you just moved, and then click Apply.
On the Encryption Keys
page, click Restore. Specify the file that contains the backup copy of the keys
and the password to unlock the file.
Restart the Report
Server service.
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